Nerivio REN Wearable

Designed with children in mind

Nerivio is the first and only FDA cleared therapy to utilize Remote Electrical Neuromodulation (REN) to prevent and treat migraine. It uses non-painful stimulation to harness the natural power of the brain to control migraine pain and symptoms without drugs, needles, or disruption; even during class!


For Teens

Treat &
8 & Up

How to prescribe Nerivio

*Contact Nerivio Cares at (937) 637-4846 if you need assistance e-prescribing.

Prescribe Nerivio using this form. Available also via e-prescription*
Send the prescription to ProCare Rx
ProCare Rx will deliver Nerivio directly to your patient

Prescribe Nerivio using this form. Available also via e-prescription*

Send the prescription to ProCare Rx

ProCare Rx will deliver Nerivio directly to your patient

Doctors’ Recommendations

Watch Nerivio users share their migraine journeys and Nerivio’s impact on their lives. None have been compensated for sharing their Nerivio experience.

“With Nerivio, my patients have had a life-changing quality of life. Nerivio is not a want - it’s a need. This safe treatment for migraine is a vital breakthrough. It is my responsibility to let colleagues and patients know about this important therapy.”

Kathy Fields, MD
Co-founder of Rodan+ Fields

“A large study of many patients over a lengthy period of time and multiple treatments, reinforces that REN [Nerivio] provides a safe, efficacious and stable treatment for acute migraine, both as a standalone and as an adjunct therapy."

Dr. Jessica Ailani, MD
Director of the MedStar Georgetown Headache Center and Professor of Clinical Neurology in the Department of Neurologykathy fields

“Chronic migraine patients experience more frequent and severe attacks than episodic migraine patients. Non-pharmacological interventions such as REN [Nerivio] help meet this need by providing a drug free treatment option.”

Brian M. Grosberg, MD
Director of the Hartford Healthcare Headache Program in Connecticut and Professor of Neurology at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine

“Research shows this [REN, Nerivio] to be comparable with triptans. Pain relief at 2 hours was 67%, which is better than with many triptans.”

Alan M. Rapoport, MD
Clinical Professor of Neurology at The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, and a Past-President of the International Headache Society

High five for freedom from medication complications and side effects

Drug-free and non-addictive
No systemic side effects
No pills, no needles
No risk of overuse
Use alone or alongside medication 

Clinical Data: Adolescents

Are you a healthcare provider seeing adolescents?

Get up to date with the latest in treating adolescents with migraine

New International Continuing Medical Education (CME) session is now available online: Unmet Needs in Treating Adolescent Migraine, by US pediatric neurologist and headache specialist Dr. Shannon Babineau.

In this one-hour CME, Dr. Babineau reviews the disease state, explains the special unmet needs of young patients, and describes available therapies, including the newest ones.

Explore the CME
1.0 CME credit
No Cost
(Disclosure: this CME was enabled through an education grant from Theranica)